
Just Smile

I have a question, Do you really need a reason to Smile, Cant you just Smile. Try it!!! Just Smile 😊 See if you can do it, if you can then then great. Some of you might find it difficult. For those who cannot, Try this !!! Go in front of a mirror and give smile at yourself and Thank God for creating me like this.. I know you still didn't do it.. Stop and go try it and see or at least switch on front mobile camera and try it.. Can you smile looking at yourself seeing how beautiful God has created you. .. For those who cannot, then Go to your spouse, mother or father .. look into their eyes and Smile and say Thank you for everything and give them a hug..  Find a positive reason to smile and just smile. Now if you still cannot do that also  then look at your picture and smile .. saying funny positive guy 😊😊 I am sure you will smiling now ..😄 Make sure to share someone who you just want to Smile. Because it is simple but not easy ...

The perfect plan

One thing Im seeing and hearing A LOT of is people trying to devise the perfect plan. Lets get the smoothest path with the least resistance all laid out & perfect then all without ever leaving your moms basement. Please know 1. "The perfect plan" is a myth. IT DOES NOT EXIST. 2. The path of least resistance is the fools path. Everyone takes it and there is VERY LITTLE reward at the end. I don't care how much you prepare, how much you think, how much you strategize...once you start all bets are off. Its exactly like that saying: "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face"...and guess any success journey the punches in the face never stop. Ever. The thing you have to realize is: THATS NORMAL. You are not some special case where only you struggle and everyone else has it easy. STRUGGLE --->SUCCESS You CANNOT have one without the other. Struggle is a KEY INGREDIENT, if not THE KEY INGREDIENT to the success recipe! Struggle...


Nobody wishes to be broke. Nobody wishes to be lonely. Nobody wishes to spend a lifetime unhappy. Nobody wishes for a career they hate. Nobody wishes to be unhealthy. Nobody wishes to be average. Nobody wishes for their dreams to never come true. Most people end up here dumbfounded as to how it turned out this way. It turned out this way because most people, when faced with a difficult situation, default to the "now" comfort. They perpetually let themselves off the hook. The instant gratification of low stress, easy work, avoidance of pressure ultimately costs you EVERYTHING. The worst part is...most of the people you know and associate with will tell you you're doing the right thing when you do this. Be conscious of the path you're on and the choices you've been conditioned to make. The seeds you plant today yield next years harvest

You either are or you aren't

You either are or you aren't. There is no in between. Big talk. No Action. Its an epidemic. Why should someone else have to convince you to have dreams? Or chase them? Or work to build the life you want? Nobody should have to "pull" you along to success...and nobody is going to either! Its on YOU. There is nothing anyone...myself included...can say or do that can motivate you to do anything. You may think others are motivating you...but really we are reminding you of your own motivations. The ones you probably dont speak of for fear of disapproval. We all have our own reasons for doing anything...especially anything great. Then remind yourself & focus on these reasons hourly...and use them as fuel to build your ultimate existence. Your reasons are in your heart and you either want it or you don't...and your ACTIONS tell that story. Not your words. Not your memes Not your shares Not your Facebook posts. Your actions are all that matter. ...

Humans are not meant for "THE EASY PATH"

Humans are not meant for " THE EASY PATH " We are meant to be tested. We are meant to be challenged. We are meant to struggle. We are meant to be scarred. We are meant to lose. Learn to love these facts...and greatness will find you. Losers sit in the corner, play it "safe" and look for the best way not to lose. Winners look for the best way to win and understand that losing is essential to winning regardless of how many beatings they take. When you remove the remove the learning. When you remove the remove the progress. When you remove the remove the skills needed to win. Accept & appreciate your beatings...and use them to your advantage. Losing will teach you far more about winning than winning ever will. Quit cowering in the corner. Nothing good happens there.

It is okay to not be okay

I have learned anything this year, it is this: It is okay to not be okay. It is the mark of a strong person to be vulnerable enough to admit as much, to know when to ask for help and to receive it, to do whatever it takes to feel better, to speak out or withdraw as self-care. To have courage and talk openly about whatever we need to. Our feelings are real. We are brave. We are not annoying anyone by reaching out. We are not crazy. We must be kind to ourselves. our kindness toward others can reach and lift us when we can't be. Our healing and empowerment lies in living from the truth of who we are. Who that is, is more than okay. Empathy and emotion in an age of disconnection is a superpower; it is a gift to feel as much as we do. We heal our compassion fatigue and overall suffering, we integrate our wild untamed feelings when we embrace them fully, the light and the dark, and give them and ourselves more love more understanding and gratitude for the messengers they are and growt...

A YEAR is Only New If You Do Something NEW

Doing the same thing again and again is not going to give you a different result. So Today, or I would say Now, make a new positive plan for next year so you get a better and positive result and start taking action NOW and not tomorrow. Then tomorrow wish everyone a Positive New Year. Wishing the same old plan is just a waste of time because there is nothing new in it. New year is not just a number change from 2016 to 2017. The whole world is changing and how much change do you plan to bring is the question you should ask yourself? Make a new plan for it and then call it a new year - Wish you all a Positive New Year. And my plan is to post one message every day to this group. So I can call it a Positive New Year. Is your New Year really New ?? If not, make it New and then wish people a Positive New Year...