It is okay to not be okay

I have learned anything this year, it is this: It is okay to not be okay.

It is the mark of a strong person to be vulnerable enough to admit as much, to know when to ask for help and to receive it, to do whatever it takes to feel better, to speak out or withdraw as self-care. To have courage and talk openly about whatever we need to. Our feelings are real. We are brave. We are not annoying anyone by reaching out. We are not crazy. We must be kind to ourselves.

our kindness toward others can reach and lift us when we can't be. Our healing and empowerment lies in living from the truth of who we are. Who that is, is more than okay. Empathy and emotion in an age of disconnection is a superpower; it is a gift to feel as much as we do. We heal our compassion fatigue and overall suffering, we integrate our wild untamed feelings when we embrace them fully, the light and the dark, and give them and ourselves more love more understanding and gratitude for the messengers they are and growth they bring.

When we can't love them, that is okay too. We love that part of us that wants to. We don't wait for others to do it for us; we do it ourselves. We are not (and never have been) broken; with bravery, we take the steps to reclaim our own power.

We deserve more love, not less. Everyone is going or has gone through what we are. It is okay to not be okay. We will not sabotage or lose anything that is truly meant for us by vulnerably accepting and admitting this. Instead, we are completely liberated by itand by our steps, we show others it is okay, too.


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