Humans are not meant for "THE EASY PATH"

Humans are not meant for "THE EASY PATH "

We are meant to be tested.

We are meant to be challenged.

We are meant to struggle.

We are meant to be scarred.

We are meant to lose.

Learn to love these facts...and greatness will find you.

Losers sit in the corner, play it "safe" and look for the best way not to lose.

Winners look for the best way to win and understand that losing is essential to winning regardless of how many beatings they take.

When you remove the remove the learning.

When you remove the remove the progress.

When you remove the remove the skills needed to win.

Accept & appreciate your beatings...and use them to your advantage.

Losing will teach you far more about winning than winning ever will.

Quit cowering in the corner.

Nothing good happens there.


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