Never judge a person who doesn't have a relationship status and never underestimate a person if they are single.They might be single maybe because they fear being in a relationship because of a recent breakup or a bad past. Maybe they were cheated upon and they are too shattered to trust anyone again. Maybe they want someone who would understand them and take relationships serious or maybe they are waiting for their true love and they have the courage, strength, ability, attitude and confidence to wait for what they deserve. Whatever the reason maybe don’t judge them. If you are single and searching for a soul mate be careful, because many people are going to lie straight in your face how they love you, how they will never hurt you like how other people did, how they will never leave you or get tired of you, how they wanna spend the rest of their life with you, and how you are so different from all the ones they have ever had. And you will end up getting blinded and do the same m...