
Showing posts from 2016

A YEAR is Only New If You Do Something NEW

Doing the same thing again and again is not going to give you a different result. So Today, or I would say Now, make a new positive plan for next year so you get a better and positive result and start taking action NOW and not tomorrow. Then tomorrow wish everyone a Positive New Year. Wishing the same old plan is just a waste of time because there is nothing new in it. New year is not just a number change from 2016 to 2017. The whole world is changing and how much change do you plan to bring is the question you should ask yourself? Make a new plan for it and then call it a new year - Wish you all a Positive New Year. And my plan is to post one message every day to this group. So I can call it a Positive New Year. Is your New Year really New ?? If not, make it New and then wish people a Positive New Year...

Anything is Possible

In my life, there have been lots of doors that closed... There I was homeless... Them I was struggling... There I was hungry... Trying to get this play off the ground... And I knew I had an idea, I knew I had something special, I knew I had something different... Nobody would invest in it..  Everything I would ask people they would lie to me... They would say... No, you don't have anything special... That's not going work... Who do you think you are?... If there are people who are telling you... What you can’t do, this won't work... You won't be able to make it... That's not going happen... Don't listen to them.. And Don't worry about when doors start to close... In my life, GoD Closed every door on me... I went to a lot of different people who could have helped... God closed all of those doors in the beginning... Sometimes in life,God wants your story to be such a miracle... That he shut down every Avenue... Every door would be closed so that y...


Hey! I know we haven't seen each other... And we haven't talk to each other in while.. But... I want to you know... That I have been doing a lot of things lately... ...and... I want to know that... ...I MISS YOU... Not I regret what happened... Or... I want to see you again... JUST ...I MISS YOU... JUST ...I MISS YOU... It's so strange to think that someone I knew so well.... Is now stranger to me... That sometimes I go entire days without thinking about YOU... MOST of time, I let myself forget... Because it's easier... But then I find something a photos... Part of me wants to see you again and again... But all those feelings become empty thoughts... When I look back now... Remember being love isn't always what it seems... It's just so easy to forget... But this isn't regret... We have a reasons for ending it and they are a valid ever... But... Back at the start... We didn't need any reasons to fall in love... We just did... ...

Her Broken Dreams

Her Broken Dreams With every new sunrise... She dreams to be with you... She dreams to walk miles holding your hand.. But.. Reality.. She was all alone... Like a body without soul... She stood there where you left her...And smiled hoping you will turn back... She saw u were happy in your own world smiling with someone else... And wished if she was that girl... she would be so happy... But..  she lives her life with all shattered dreams and a fake smile on her face showing everyone.. she is so strong to accept the reality...... But... Her eyes says the truth, she is broken from inside.


OVER-ATTACHMENT As humans, we all are attached to something or the other, which is fine but there are somethings we get "over-attached to" which would create a major impact on our lives. Today, I will tell you more about "over-attachment' and how it is really consuming your positive energy for it’s own survival. Now you would ask me? How do you know, if you are over-attached to something. There is a simple test. How do you feel if someone tells you not to do something or not to use a product? If you getting frustrated or angry or get a negative emotion, then you are ‘over-attached’ to that. If someone tells you not to use your mobile for a day, or stop eating particular type of food, or not to watch a TV show/cricket for a week, How do you feel? There are so many similar questions you can ask yourself and check if your reply is Positive or Negative. Remember one thing that ‘over-attachment' can only bring negativity to your life. Now you will ask me h...


PERFECTION IS ONLY A PERCEPTION MADE BY OTHERS When a glass is filled halfway with water. Would you say, the glass is half full or half empty? Do you have a perfect answer for this? The perfect taste of a certain food can differ from person to person. For some people if that food is spicy then “it’s perfect” and for some, if it has some sweetness then “it's perfect”. So does a perfect taste exist? Or is it only a perception? ​Perfection is only a set of standards made by humans or a community which they perceive to be perfect. Now a days, people take too much stress to achieve this Perfection which is set by someone else. But they forget that these set of standards will constantly change as time and people pass. For example, a doctor could have a perfect procedure to do an operation but when technology changes, the procedure changes. Then how can you say it is a perfect procedure? In order to have a Positive life, people should not focus on being perfect by gauging thems...

Love Yourself First

Live. Love. Love yourself first. You came into existence alone and you will be dying alone too. Be with people only until you are happy around them. Don't force yourself or do any favours to them by pretending to be happy. Learn to say No. NO! NO. Learn to enjoy your own company. Learn to be Alone. Spend time with yourself. Learn to value yourself. Your time. Your own company. You are not perfect. Sometimes you can be good.. sometimes you can be Evil. Its Okay.. we all are like that. So just accept yourself. Its not mandatory to be a Perfect Good Person with no flaws. Enjoy your Flaws. You are different. Everyone is different. Don't try becoming like someone. Be yourself..!!


SHE LIKES TO HATE ME               She likes hating me  Once upon a time In a clear sky  We just take small walk  What did I do This is not fare  She left me and gone so far  My love is pure My words were true So I ran to chase In her heart So my love beats with her heart She is like wave  She is in air  She touches me in form of rain Her anger were Sun ray's Her care is like snow Her love is moon But she is my girl Flower's will hide the fragrance till it bloom My girlfriend hides her care till she love me Now I miss her very badly She made me feel so lonely I wanna go be with her truly  Hence I am loving her madly Pain she gave is harder Day she left me is haunted  I am not that much smarter But I know how to love her She slapped me , I don't care  If she cries , I will protect her  But love is even better so  Time will p...

Women Empowerment

As a child, I wanted a computer. But, we never had a cash So, one day, I came back from school. I looked in my room, there was a computer there. I went crazy joy. I rushed to my daddy and rugged him and begin to thank him But, that's he told me, he didn't get the computer, Mom got it. For two year, She kept saving money from  the groceries. For two year, She didn't buy herself new clothes. She didn't get her broken slipper mended and she got me a computer. She is an empowered women for me She has a proven to make other's dream come true. Just like all other mothers....


What makes me smile? Food... Do you know how much food means to me? My day revolves around food. I plan my outings according to the cafés I would visit. I eat when I am depressed. I eat to celebrate. I eat when I'm hungry. I eat when I'm bored. Food is the ultimate solution to all my problems in life. There's nothing that a Cheesecake can't solve or a Briyani can't fix. No I wasn't fantasizing about my crush. I was blushing at the thought of stuffing my mouth with bacon after that jog.


Group 1: People who believe in "Luck" and wait for it to magically shower them with everything great in life. Meanwhile they sit back with their feet up looking for the quick & easy way. Group 2: People who do the work and have FAITH that the result will materialize over the course of time. Meanwhile they work as hard as they possibly can and do EVERYTHING they can possibly do to build the life they want day in & day out with FAITH that their efforts will pay off. BOTH GROUPS: believe in a mystical, unseen, unverifiable force at play. So what separates them? THE WORK. Which group do you think will lead a more productive, successful, meaningful & fulfilling existence? Which group do you belong to? "LUCK VS FAITH"

Wear your failure as a badge of honour

Wear your failure as a badge of honour Losing is supposed to hurt. Losing is supposed to make you upset. Losing is supposed to make you mad. But most of all losing is supposed to make you take a good, long, hard look at yourself, your plan and your execution, adjust and come back even better. The value of losing is tremendously underrated...especially these days. Is this really what its come down to? This is the REAL WORLD. In the REAL WORLD people win & people lose. Its a fact of life. No matter how much you whine, cry.... its still going to be A FACT. If you want the bett career...WIN. If you want the damn good and work you harder than ANYONE & execute better than ANYONE. And learn how to lose the right way! When you remove the remove the learning. When you remove the remove the progress. When you remove the remove the skills needed to win. Accept & appreciate your  beatings...and use them to your ad...

Quit Running From Your Fear... All Great Things In Life Come From It...

Quit running from your fear. All great things in life come from it. In fact you should be "Thanking Your Fear". Lets just get this out of the way: EVERYTHING IS HARD. No matter what path you find yourself on it has its challenges. This is a fact of life. YES...dedicating yourself and doing the required work toward ANY GOAL...whether it be physical, financial or going to be difficult!!! But are the consequences of not doing these things not just as difficult if not more? What is the cost of NOT achieving your goals and ideal life? Making progress seems like a never ending struggle to EVERYONE...not just you!!! As much as you may tell yourself that you are some special case where the universe is conspiring to make it 100x harder on you than everyone else….it just isn't true...and if you ever want to get anywhere you better quit feeding yourself that bullshit story. Yes, we ALL have our own challenges and obstacles that make our situations…well…our...


BE THANKFUL FOR YOUR BEATINGS & THE SCARS THEY LEAVE Life is going to hit you... Over & Over & Over... Expect no mercy... It will be relentless... These hits whether they be physical, mental, emotional or financial will leave scars... BE THANKFUL FOR YOUR BEATINGS & THE SCARS THEY LEAVE. Because those scars left and lessons learned will teach us, harden us, prepare us, guide us and ultimately define us. Perfection is a fairytale. Its a highly polished story featuring fake, manufactured "images" of people sold to us that doesn't actually exist. That story is what drives insecurity, low self esteem, lack of fulfillment and ultimately regret. The only thing you can be is you. And if you want to build a great life each day should be spent progressing, learning and working toward the best version of you. Stop measuring yourself against others. Start putting the lessons learned from life's hits to work today. Every single day is a new opportunity...

When did it become so "uncool" to have an opinion, stand for something or have OUR OWN PERSONALITY with OUR OWN GOALS?

When did it become so "uncool" to have an opinion, stand for something or have OUR OWN PERSONALITY with OUR OWN GOALS? Have you ever REALLY thought about whose life you are even living? Your Moms? Your Dads? Your Friends? Your Teachers? Your Girlfriends? Your Boyfriends? All day long...our entire lives...we are bombarded by the expectations and limits of our surrounding influences.... Everyone has ideas for us... Everyone thinks they know whats best for us... But did you ever notice that those ideas & expectations that are "best for us" are eerily similar to the lives of the ones giving us this advice? What about the life you want? What about your dreams? What about that vision of yourself you think about before you fall asleep at night that you are too afraid to tell anyone about? Most people put more thought into what they are going to do this Saturday night than where they are going to be 10 years from now...and THAT my how you was...

A Silent Weep

  A Silent Weep She weeped silently amongst thousands of laughters. She missed that part of her that was happier. Those sleepless nights she spent in the world of memories. Reflected around her eyes as a circular dark stories. Unable to find for her sorrows a clear reason Her happy heart caged in a cruel treason. A treason of smile and success. A flip place had changed her life. That once had hearts and flowers now has daggers and knife. With helplessness her first cleaned. With tears her soul has cleaned. Slightly she shouted Aloud. As she stood Alone in the families crowd.....

Stubborn Belly Fat.... 7 WAYS TO LOSE IT...

Everybody wants a flat stomach, but even people who have flat abs have some fat in their belly. A flat stomach is very hard to achieve let alone a completely fat-less belly. Sometimes this fat cannot be taken care of with exercising. Fat can be very harmful to your health at times if it grows deep underneath your skin, close to your heart, lungs, liver and other organs. This fat is called visceral fat and it can be very harmful even for thin people.  Let’s see how we can achieve the pear-shaped body easily by following a few simple lifestyle changes. 1.DIET       A healthy diet is the most important of all when it comes to burning and controlling belly fat. Stop skipping meals and eat every few hours. Make sure your diet is rich in proteins, whole grains, fibers but make sure to keep them low on sugar and carbs. Skipping meals will only add to your cravings and make you eat more. Intake of more viscous fiber will help prevent build up of fat in yo...

Personality begins where comparison ends

Personality begins where comparison ends I do not believe people are unique in character, but only in how they choose to express their character. This is seen because we are able to pinpoint and categorise people based on character traits. This person is kind, that person is funny, she is very rude, he is very can go on and on, and of course there is overlap. However, the funny thing is that in how someone goes about expressing their kindness, humour, rudeness, or will always be open to interpretation by the one placing these judgements upon that person. Kindness to you may be defined as something different than kindness to me, and the same goes for all other human characteristics. How our life experiences have shaped us allows us the degree of severity in our judgements of others, and vice versa. Someone who expresses kindness to you may not be so kind to another person. I do not think parts of my personality are solely mine. They are mine because ...


I guess I have always underestimated the power of distance. For me, distance has invariably been horrible or something that one would do to punish their loved ones. Or maybe since I resort to means like that, I consider it to be a horrid thing. As it turns out, I was just not introduced to the perks of distance and its tormenting charms. No, really! There is a thing like that, and you wouldn't understand its crazy existence until you experience it. Everyone is a victim of bad forms of distance but the good forms? They come in time, and in lots of forms. The good, amazing distance comes in the form of meeting a certain someone after a really, really long time. When I say really long time, I do mean a 'really long time'. The remarkable and yes, the good distance comes in the form of sharing your chocolate cherry cake and hot chocolate on a rainy Monday. It might totally come in the form of conversations and vague music playing somewhere in the background which doesn't bo...

you are the architect of your own happiness

You come into the world with nothing in your arms, You find the meaning of life in melancholy and the joy of living in love. All by yourself, stumbling upon places and people you carry within. You fight the demons of your life, sometimes with a friend by your side. You are taught different things, but your experiences remain to be the greatest of your teachers. You come into the world with no survival kit in your hand, You understand the way the world lives. Even worse, you understand it  by failing. You learn that you don't come out of a battle without a few scars here and there. Never place your trust in the wrong hands, you are told. But you misplace it. You squander it. You come into the world with no plans in your head, You stand tall beside your literary heroes, you chase the evil with the superheroes in your heart. You walk the cities with your little heart on the sleeve and go everywhere you feet take you to. You build your home in the darkest hours and you walk...

10 Natural Ways to Get Deep Sleep Without Pills

10 Natural Ways to Get Deep Sleep Without Pills If you are serious about losing fat, building muscles or maximizing your athletic performance then you must get enough sleep. check out the natural ways to sleep better without taking pills. People realize that sleep is important but they actually don’t realize how “incredibly” important it is. Not getting enough sleep is the single best way to destroy your health.  If you are serious about losing fat, building muscles or maximizing your athletic performance then you must get enough sleep. Here are the natural ways to sleep better without taking pills. Stick to the same bedtime and wake up time, even on the weekends. A regular sleep routine keeps your biological clock steady so you rest better. Sticking to a schedule helps to regulate your body's clock and it allows your body to set its internal rhythm so you can get up at the time you want, consistently, every single day. Also, make sure you try to keep th...


Everyone will always have something to say about someone else. It doesn't matter what the color of skin is, how much of your heart you give away, your spiritual views, what you did for the children, and so on. People will always find that moment in your journey in which you were learning and expose it.  The hardest act in life is to look within oneself and say, "I AM …". To acknowledge who you are on all levels is one of the beautiful experiences you can have . It is the only way to live and to become a better person. We all must look with ourselves and see where the lack of love is and change it. While many will look at outward forces to call on and ask forgiveness or change, nothing really happens till you forgive yourself and grow from it. This is the perspective most do not want to accept or even more so those in control of health and wisdom do not want you to know of. They want you to keep sending them your energy.  Only those with empathy will value your mistakes...


WHO IS THE GIRL..... A girl is the most beautiful part of God’s creation.... She starts compromising at a very tender age. She sacrifices her chocolates for her brother. Later she sacrifices her love for just a smile on her parents face... She sacrifices her comfort and desires for her BOYFRIEND, FRIENDS, BROTHER, HUSBAND, IN LAWS.... She sacrifices her full youth for her husband and children without complain. And finally her life ends up only by compromising for others happiness.... Girls are like apples on trees. The best ones are at the top of the tree. The boys don’t want to reach for the good ones because they are afraid of falling and getting hurt. Instead, they just get the rotten apples from the ground that aren’t as good, but easy. So the apples at the top think something is wrong with them, when in reality, they’re amazing. They just have to wait for the right boy to come along, the one who’s brave enough to climb all the way to the top of...

One way story

A million times I tell I love her. A million times She silences me. Is this a one way story? Dear life,   We are like the sun on top of a cold monstrous mountain. An ounce of water after a long terrain run. Dear life, Without you I'm a floating body on a moonless light. I'm a wounded tree in a dense forest. Dear life, Without you I'm a lost soul in a foggy road Inspite of knowing where to go. I still don't know where to go. A million times I tell I love her. A million times She silences me. Is this a one way story?

My love

Whoever you are and wherever you are, you are loved. Right now. You are loved to your very core, to the depths of your being and to the outer reaches of your awareness; you are loved. Shake off the doubts that are starting to climb forth as you read these words from a complete stranger because there’s no reason to doubt them -that’s stronger than the fact that you’re worthy to be hearing them. So much of our life comes down to that four-letter word. We feel completed by the emotion, and yet we have spent thousands of years attempting to articulate what exactly that emotion is and why it is so vital to our well-being. The longing to be loved and to love in return is innate. It’s a human need, a desire, a craving that must be satiated in some form, in some way. Please, let me assure you that no matter who you are in the world, there is love here for you. Love is a funny thing in that when you love, when you pour love out into the universe, the universe will respo...

The story about Sylvestar Stallone

This is one of the SADDEST stories ever told in Hollywood. His name is Sylvestar Stallone. One of the BIGGEST and Most famous American Movie superstars. Back in the day, Stallone was a struggling actor in every definition. At some point, he got so broke that he stole his wife's jewellery and sold it. Things got so bad that he even ended up homeless. Yes, he slept at the New York bus station for 3 days. Unable to pay rent or afford food. His lowest point came when he tried to sell his dog at the liquor store to any stranger. He didn't have money to feed the dog anymore. He sold it at $25 only. He says he walked away crying. Two weeks later,he saw a boxing match between Mohammed Ali and Chuck Wepner and that match gave him the inspiration to write the script for the famous movie,ROCKY. He wrote the script for 20 hours! He tried to sell it and got an offer for $125,000 for the script. But he had just ONE REQUEST. He wanted to STAR in the movie. He wanted to be the MAIN ACTOR. ...


Our past is supposed to guide us, not define us.  Our past is to be learned from and then we must move on.  If you knew me in the past, but you don't know me now... Then you don't know me.  I don't live in the past, nothing can exist there, just memories that I am currently experiencing in the present.  I am always evolving and ascending, spiritually and mentally.  I suggest you do the same.

My life's journey

                      My Life’s Journey This is the story of the journey of my life. Travel can be hard work. So much to see. So little time. So many missed connections. So much lost luggage. But every stop, every detour, every challenge along the way provides a lesson to be learned. Travelling mercies to us all. Let me take you on a quick tour of my life so far.             I come from a simple middle class family. Both my parents are working and I grew up in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. Throughout my childhood, I remember the shortage of money being a constant theme in the house. We had enough to run the kitchen and pay for utilities but little to built assets on or make major expenses. We rarely ate out in restaurants and when we did, we did so with caution, figuring out the cheapest and most filling items on the menu. Funnily e...


The sunsets on another day.What you see and what you are shown are two different things. Perspective and perception... we need an open mind and good insight, in order to see the bigger picture . There is always much more underneath the surface . People build barriers over time, in order to protect their minds and to stop themselves being hurt. People forgive but they don't forget.How a person acts... Who they are is usually due to conditioning.Everything happens for a reason. I know its difficult but try to live life in that other persons shoes, because nobody's perfect but we all like to be understood. You will never find happiness being half in or half out, scared to commit. You can't be someone's other if you are not their friend first.  You can't expect to be taken seriously if you are always joking.  You can never have a laugh if you are always serious. Communication works, silence only pauses.  Highlight negativity in order to construct and progre...


SOCIETY She got late at office that day and she had to go home alone.She started walking towards the auto stand But it was too late, she had to wait for an auto.She felt like someone was following her she turned back and 'Bhoo' he said.She got scared and he laughed out loud.Her office colleague it was.I'm here because I can't let you walk alone towards the auto stand and don't worry I'll b with you till you get an auto.You are my responsibility" he said.After ten minutes of wait,An auto came but no passenger was in there.She knew that this could probably be the last auto to pass by.She looked in an uncomfortable manner At th auto driver.Don't worry sister, I'll drop you at your home safely.You are my responsibility the auto driver said.She sat in.Her home was in a dark lane,she had to walk almost five minutes in the lane to reach her home.She entered the lane and a mid-aged man was smoking and looking at her.It was a neighbor.He threw the cigarett...

Why Not Me

Escaping nights without you with shadows on the wall... My mind is running wild trying hard not to fall... You tell me that you love me but say I'm just a friend... My heart is broken up into pieces Cause I know I'll never free my soul.. It's trapped in between true love and being alone.... When my eyes are closed the greatest story told.. I woke and my dreams are shattered here on the floor Why oh why tell me why not me Why oh why we were meant to be Baby I know I could be all you need Why oh why oh why I wanna love you If you only knew how much I love you So why not me The day after tomorrow I'll still be around.. To catch you when you fall and never let you down... You say that we're forever our love will never end.. I've tried to come up but it's drowning me to know.. You'll never feel my soul.. It's trapped in between true love and being alone.. When my eyes are closed the greatest story told.. I woke and my dreams are shattered here on...


When you wake up in the morning what do you say to yourself?  I hate my life.  Same sh*t different day.  It's cold so I don't want to leave my house.  What's for breakfast.  I love, my life but hate my job.  Try saying this: Thank you because I woke up again.  Everyone reading this has lost somebody special.  One day we will be that special someone who is lost to a loved one.  Today is not that day, today we awoke.  Today is a chance to start over again, whoever you are, whatever you have been doing.  Today is a brand new day, if you want today is a brand new you.  Make peace knowing that you have another chance to make right the wrongs you have done.  Just by being alive and breathing you have opportunities, that many special people we knew will never have again.  Don't worry about anything, for worry is the interest paid in advance on a debt you may never owe.  Be happy about everything as you h...