My love

Whoever you are and wherever you are, you are loved. Right now. You are loved to your very core, to the depths of your being and to the outer reaches of your awareness; you are loved. Shake off the doubts that are starting to climb forth as you read these words from a complete stranger because there’s no reason to doubt them -that’s stronger than the fact that you’re worthy to be hearing them.

So much of our life comes down to that four-letter word. We feel completed by the emotion, and yet we have spent thousands of years attempting to articulate what exactly that emotion is and why it is so vital to our well-being. The longing to be loved and to love in return is innate. It’s a human need, a desire, a craving that must be satiated in some form, in some way.

Please, let me assure you that no matter who you are in the world, there is love here for you. Love is a funny thing in that when you love, when you pour love out into the universe, the universe will respond in kind; it will love in return. There’s no limit to the amount of love that we can fit onto this planet, or within each person. And who are we not to take full advantage of that cup that will never, ever be empty, or even half-full

I want you to take a leap of faith and accept that you are loveable. And darling, you are. I know that I am, that I am love, which is what makes me so certain that you also were created with the intention to love. You were put on this Earth to love and to be loved. So let me start this chain reaction: I love you. You are loved right now, in this moment, by me, by the universe, and by the millions and millions of other people who are aware of the magic around us. Sometimes it just takes a nudge from a stranger to remind us of what is right in front of us.

I wrote this love letter for you. I wrote it for everyone and anyone who needs to hear that they are loved, who may need the reminder of another person when they wake up in the morning or when they look in the mirror, or after a long day of working a thankless job, whether you come home to a house filled with others or you live alone—I wrote this for you: You are loved. You are love. You are capable of spectacular love.


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