As humans, we all are attached to something or the other, which is fine but there are somethings we get "over-attached to" which would create a major impact on our lives. Today, I will tell you more about "over-attachment' and how it is really consuming your positive energy for it’s own survival.
Now you would ask me? How do you know, if you are over-attached to something. There is a simple test. How do you feel if someone tells you not to do something or not to use a product? If you getting frustrated or angry or get a negative emotion, then you are ‘over-attached’ to that.
If someone tells you not to use your mobile for a day, or stop eating particular type of food, or not to watch a TV show/cricket for a week, How do you feel? There are so many similar questions you can ask yourself and check if your reply is Positive or Negative.
Remember one thing that ‘over-attachment' can only bring negativity to your life. Now you will ask me how? The problem is once you are ‘over attached’ to something, you lose control over it and it begins to control you and your life. Every other part of your life will start to be controlled by your over-attached thing, which will start hurting you in the long-run and you wouldn't even know about it.
Lets say for an example, a person with 100 grams of Gold, If he is attached to it, he would keep it in a safe place and protect it in the best possible way. But then if he is over-attached to it, he would keep it under his his pillow and always thinking that it could be robbed, slowly he would start doubting on his own people and things just adds on. So, is the 100 grams of gold or is the person’s over-attachment creating problems in his life? When you are attached to something you love and protect it and that is fine, however ‘over-attachment’ is an obsession and could be very dangerous. This 100 grams could be replaced with any thing, a TV shows, Sweets, Mobile, Property etc... They all need your energy to survive.
You will live a much happier life if you reduce your over-attachment to certain things in life.
Now the problem is when you are over-attached, your positive energy flows to it. It’s only by preserving your positive you could bring about positive changes to life.
Lets say for example, when you do a positive action like feeding the poor (Charity), it creates positive energy in life but then if you smoke, don't you think, the positive energy that you created will get used to clear the effects that smoking would have created in your life. Another example!! Now you have an exam next week and you spend most of playing on your new mobile app/game and then you start praying to get high marks in the exams. What happens, don't you think the positive energy created by prayer would flows to your mobile app instead of your studies and you end up getting average marks for your exams.
Positive Actions wants to work on our life but sometimes our focus gets on to things which doesn't bring any value to your life. Positive Energy wants to work in your life but it gets used up to balance your negative actions.
Preserve your Positive Energy by getting attached to the duties that you have to do, get attached to your family by being there for them, get attached to your Work & Business so you improve your finances, Get attached to Good health by eating good food & exercise, Get attached to prayer so that it can multiply your Positive energy. Let your focus be on these and slowly your life will begin to change.


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