Survival of the hardest working
Survival of the hardest working
You dream about being successful. Maybe you talk about your aspirations and think about how you might be able to do it. During commercials, you imagine yourself taking the next step. Between bites of pizza, you envision a new life for yourself and maybe have some big ideas. Then the show comes back on.
Success finds those who push their mental and physical limits, and those who expand their work capacity on a daily basis.
An excuse is a failure. It is a failure from which you cannot recover, one that will teach you nothing.
The show coming back on is not en excuse, and failure is not an option.
When you stop making excuses and unleash your full potential as a human being, you will feel alone. You'll feel like no one understands you. When you start to feel like this, keep going, because you're doing something right. Embrace that feeling and keep striving.
Strive for something so unreal that even if you fall short, you will have still done something remarkable.
Don't let anyone tell you any different.
But, in order to win, you have to get in the game to begin with. Shut off the T.V. Shut off your mind to the distractions. It's Tuesday night; there is still time before morning to take action. There is still time to put in work so that you go to bed tired, satisfied, drained, and most of all, hungry for more.
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