Success is not final, failure is not fatal.

I see so many people trying to craft, construct, and design THE PERFECT plan for their lives.

They look for a plan that has zero obstacles, zero risk, zero setbacks, zero fear that requires the least amount of effort possible.

You know what a plan like that gets you?


You know why?

Because you'll always be in "Plan mode" and never start "ACTION MODE" because a plan like that doesnt exist

The VERY BEST thing you can do RIGHT NOW is accept that you are going to screw up.

You are going to make mistakes.

You are going to fail.



You cannot win without out first learning how to lose.

Once you fully grasp this concept, instead of looking at "failure" as a negative'll get excited to fail and apply the lessons "failing" blesses you with.

Failure in average minds, is generally thought of as some negative event that is beyond our control.

In reality, "Failure" is only "Failure" if you quit.

Its an excuse.

Its a justification for lack of persistence, strength.

Successful people KNOW failure is the ULTIMATE educator.

No school.

No book.

No class.

No teacher....NOTHING can teach you the lessons "failure" can.

Its lessons are 100% necessary in the success formula.

Without these lessons there can be no success.

The key isnt to avoid "failing" its to "fail" efficiently & quickly...and keep moving.

All successful people understand this mindset.


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