
Showing posts from April, 2017

Makes a lot sense

 views You want to do something. You have never done this thing before. You want to be great at this thing. You havent put in the study hours. You havent put in the practice. You havent put in the work. You havent put in the time. You know youre going to be bad at this thing when you start. And since its incomprehensible for you to be bad at something in front of other decide to do nothing...and continue on with an existence that is unfulfilling, boring, irrelevant and leaves you with nothing to show for your life....oh...and broke too. All because your ego is so f**king over inflated & fragile that you aren't willing to look bad when you first start out. Makes a lot sense. 😑🔫


Success is far less about how productive you are when you "feel like it" and far more about how well you can execute when you don't. Learning how to close that gap is the ultimate productivity habit. A common assumption among people that struggle is that "successful people" either have it easier or possess super human powers that keep them "in the zone" and running at high levels every single day. And while it is 100% TRUE that successful people run at high levels every single day. Its not because they are special or gifted or have it easier. They have bad days. They struggle just like you. The difference is they have developed a habit & a discipline for themselves that pushes them through the days on which they struggle and keeps them producing at high levels even when they do not feel like it. They have created a thought pivot that triggers productive action. For example: " Im too tired to respond to those five emails...Id rather ...

Life goals and Success are EXACTLY the same.

This wasn't meant for me. Are you sure? Or are you don't have what it takes in your heart to endure the struggle? Being able to look yourself in the mirror and be honest with yourself in situations where something "isnt for you" about exactly "why" it isnt for you is a necessary tool to cultivate. Because here is the truth 99.99% of the time people say "this isnt for me" what they are really saying is Im not willing to do the work required and I want something easier. And if thats the case...success most likely "isnt for you" either. If you were wanting to run a marathon, but every time you got frustrated, tired, winded, sore or bored you turned around and went back to the starting line would you ever complete your goal of running a marathon? Of course not. Life goals are EXACTLY the same. Success is the same. Nothing GREAT is's EARNED...its built by your dreams, thoughts, focus & ACTIONS. The factor that al...