
Showing posts from September, 2016

A Silent Weep

  A Silent Weep She weeped silently amongst thousands of laughters. She missed that part of her that was happier. Those sleepless nights she spent in the world of memories. Reflected around her eyes as a circular dark stories. Unable to find for her sorrows a clear reason Her happy heart caged in a cruel treason. A treason of smile and success. A flip place had changed her life. That once had hearts and flowers now has daggers and knife. With helplessness her first cleaned. With tears her soul has cleaned. Slightly she shouted Aloud. As she stood Alone in the families crowd.....

Stubborn Belly Fat.... 7 WAYS TO LOSE IT...

Everybody wants a flat stomach, but even people who have flat abs have some fat in their belly. A flat stomach is very hard to achieve let alone a completely fat-less belly. Sometimes this fat cannot be taken care of with exercising. Fat can be very harmful to your health at times if it grows deep underneath your skin, close to your heart, lungs, liver and other organs. This fat is called visceral fat and it can be very harmful even for thin people.  Let’s see how we can achieve the pear-shaped body easily by following a few simple lifestyle changes. 1.DIET       A healthy diet is the most important of all when it comes to burning and controlling belly fat. Stop skipping meals and eat every few hours. Make sure your diet is rich in proteins, whole grains, fibers but make sure to keep them low on sugar and carbs. Skipping meals will only add to your cravings and make you eat more. Intake of more viscous fiber will help prevent build up of fat in yo...

Personality begins where comparison ends

Personality begins where comparison ends I do not believe people are unique in character, but only in how they choose to express their character. This is seen because we are able to pinpoint and categorise people based on character traits. This person is kind, that person is funny, she is very rude, he is very can go on and on, and of course there is overlap. However, the funny thing is that in how someone goes about expressing their kindness, humour, rudeness, or will always be open to interpretation by the one placing these judgements upon that person. Kindness to you may be defined as something different than kindness to me, and the same goes for all other human characteristics. How our life experiences have shaped us allows us the degree of severity in our judgements of others, and vice versa. Someone who expresses kindness to you may not be so kind to another person. I do not think parts of my personality are solely mine. They are mine because ...